The New Normal of Air Travel during Covid-19 Pandemic

The New Normal of Air Travel during Covid-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 has led to the creation of a new normal in air travel. A normal wherein wearing a mask, keeping the middle seats clear, screening, traveling light, and constantly sanitizing your hands during the course of the journey are among the new mandatory measures one has to take to have a safe journey. Even when the worst of the pandemic will be behind us, the effects of this highly infectious disease are likely to linger for a long time especially in the commercial aviation industry. But most domestic airlines are restarting operations at limited capacity because necessary travel cannot be avoided. There is a fine line between panic and caution, airports and airlines are doing everything in their power to ensure that passengers have a safe journey and can travel without fear. If you are also planning to undertake a trip soon, then here are a few things about the future of air travel and how they have changed in the new normal of the post-Covid-19 world.

  1. Masks & Face Shields: While earlier all we needed was an air ticket and boarding pass to get into an aircraft, the new normal requires a mask or face shield. Personal protective equipment has become an integral part of the passenger experience as airlines are not just requesting this of customers but it is in fact demanded. The use of gloves, alcohol wipes, hand sanitizer is also recommended.
  2. A Clean Bill of Health: Running a high temperature? Well, it won’t be possible for you to enter the airport. Even as every surface of the airport is scrupulously cleaned, multiple kiosks have been set-up to check a passenger’s vital signs through thermal screening to indicate the signs of a viral infection. Even a slight cough can prevent you from entering the premises as it risks the safety of other passengers. Therefore, passengers are requested to ensure no Covid-related symptoms before boarding the flight by undertaking a comprehensive health checkup in advance. Keeping the Aarogya Setu app on the phone is another mandate flight passengers are expected to comply with and updating their health status can help them in a smooth entry & exit process at the airport.
  3. Increased Sanitization and Security: The best way to keep Coronavirus at bay is by keeping all areas and frequently touched surfaces absolutely clean. From the seats of the airplane to the floors of the airport, everything is being sanitized. UV bag cleaners and scanners have also been installed at major airports and web check-in has been made mandatory to limit contact and increase safety. Some service-cutting such as non-availability of food while flying may also be seen to limit the so-called ‘touchpoints’, opportunities for Covid-19 to spread between flyers and crew via close physical proximity.

    In addition to this, the passengers will now have to do a web-check 48 hours to 60 miniatures prior to the departure time and comply with the health guidelines of the states they are traveling to. This may include self-quarantine for a duration of 7 to 14 days (depending upon the advisory). The passengers are also requested to book cab services from a trusted partner for their own health & safety and if feeling sick at any given point during the course of the journey or after it, immediately inform the authorities on the ground.

    Air travel may have changed drastically but one thing that has remained constant is the ease of online booking for air travel. To get the cheapest air tickets for booking online in India, all you have to do is visit the IRCTC Air website, or download the app. While air travel may not be as simple as it used to be, booking flight tickets in India can be. Enjoy a hassle-free booking process with IRCTC Air’s simple interface and also get your hands on some exclusive flight deals that you won’t find elsewhere like the lowest convenience fee of 59, free air travel insurance worth 50 lacs on every ticket booking, multicity air ticket booking at no extra cost & easy LTC claims among others.

    Till a Covid-19 vaccine is developed, we will have to stay alert and do everything we can to contain the spread of this deadly virus. But it is also true that life will continue and all we can do is take the necessary precautions without panicking about the situation. So, travel if you must but follow the best hygiene practices and maintain social distance at the airport and even outside it. And of course, book your air tickets online at your trusted portal, IRCTC Air. To know about things you need to keep in mind before arriving at the airport, read this article.